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Svenska Wikipedia topp 100 3 april 2019
-, Totalt, $209 186 milj (37:e). -, Per capita, $38 321 Städer i Slovakien[redigera | redigera wikitext]. bild List of African countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia bild; Visualizing the Countries Most Reliant on Tourism - Visual bild Visualizing the Countries Pensionsgrundande inkomster · Per capita · Percentil · Periodisering · Peta · PIIGS-länderna · Planekonomi · Platt skatt · Plusjobb · Potentiell BNP · PPP (Statistik från OECD år 2004: Dessa länders BNP per capita (mätt i amerikanska dollar) skiljer sig Varje land visas här med både köpkraftsjusterad PPP BNP/capita och BNP/capita efter Usage on Tanzanias PPP (per capita) år 2004 hade värdet 942.
bild List of African countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia bild; Visualizing the Countries Most Reliant on Tourism - Visual bild Visualizing the Countries Pensionsgrundande inkomster · Per capita · Percentil · Periodisering · Peta · PIIGS-länderna · Planekonomi · Platt skatt · Plusjobb · Potentiell BNP · PPP (Statistik från OECD år 2004: Dessa länders BNP per capita (mätt i amerikanska dollar) skiljer sig Varje land visas här med både köpkraftsjusterad PPP BNP/capita och BNP/capita efter Usage on Tanzanias PPP (per capita) år 2004 hade värdet 942. År 2011 så hade Tanzanias PPP (per (2014). av A Habermann · 2019 — BNI) skiljer sig från 6 090 PPP-justerad BNI per capita i Moldavien ett land med Sveriges inkomstnivå per capita”. Expertgrup- rellt av PPP inom olika samhällsområden är att denna form av samverkan mellan Texten från svenska Wikipedia Wikipedialogo_12pt.gif Skillnader i BNP per capita beroende på om man väljer Köpkraftsparitet eller köpkraftsjustering (engelska: purchasing power parity, PPP) är ett mått som används 41, Wake BNP per capita, PPP (fasta internationella $ 2011) ?
Real Bnp Per Capita - Fox On Green
List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search.
Överbefolkning - Wikiwand
Wartość parytetu siły nabywczej (PPP) wszystkich dóbr i usług końcowych wyprodukowanych w kraju w danym roku, z podziałem przez średnią (lub w połowie roku) populację w tym samym roku. Począwszy od 2019 r., Szacowany średni PKB na mieszkańca (PPP) we wszystkich krajach świata wynosi 18381 USD. PKB per capita wg PSN (Stany Zjednoczone = 100%); Źródło: Poniższa lista przedstawia państwa lub terytoria zależne (pozycje nieponumerowane) uszeregowane według wielkości PKB per capita (według parytetu siły nabywczej) w latach 1980–2018. Dane wyrażono w cenach bieżących (tzn. nie wyeliminowano efektu wzrostu cen), a zatem mogą one służyć jedynie World map showing countries above and below the world average GDP PPP (per capita). English above world average below world average. Date: May 2008: Source: self-made, data from the CIA World Factbook: Author: Mangwanani GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP by midyear population. GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
To make a meaningful comparison, PPP is used to compare people's economies and incomes by adjusting for …
Here are some pages similar to ''List Of Countries By Gdp (ppp) Per Capita'': National Electrical Code The National Electrical Code ( NEC), or NFPA 70, is a regionally adoptable standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment in the United States.
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$30,000 - $40,000. In 2017, according to the CIA's World Factbook, the GWP was around US $80.27 trillion in nominal terms and totaled approximately 127.8 trillion international dollars in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). The per capita PPP GWP in 2017 was approximately Int$17,500 according to the World Factbook. As of 2019, the estimated average GDP per capita (PPP) of all of the countries of the world is Int$18,381.
For rankings regarding wealth, see list of countries by wealth per adult. These are lists of regions and countries by their estimated real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), the value of all final goods and services produced within a country/region in a given year divided by population size.
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Such calculations are prepared by various organizations, including the GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living; however, this is problematic because GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. Comparisons of national income are also frequently made on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP), to adjust for differences in the cost of living in different countries. This is a comparison between U.S. states of America and countries by Gross Domestic Product (PPP).Many of the states of the United States have large Gross Domestic Product (called gross state product) which would rank highly on a list of countries world GDP.All data is for the year 2017. These figures are based on the IMF list on List of countries by GDP (PPP) for world GDP, and the List of U The first table and bar chart lists member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). With each country's total expenditure on health per capita in PPP U.S. dollars..