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Tabula Rasa is an item where theme trumped the general rules in the game slightly. The entire theme of the item is that it grants no stats, so as a result, there's nothing on it to describe exactly what it does, which can make it a little confusing for players who find one while still new to the game. If you farm this area in Merciless, you won't have a drop penalty. And it's decent experience until you get too much higher level than the area. I did trun in Humilty cards in the Torment league, so it is farmable.
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A set of 9 Humility can exchange one Tabula Rasa. One can obtain this item by farming Cleanser of Sins and acquiring prophecy reward. Tabula Rasa Farm Most players will get Tabula Rasa themselves. For this, we need nine specific divination cards.
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