Kth bibliotek
Kth bibliotek
If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or LU account to access the full texts. You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A–Z. Through ePublications you get a collective entry Lund University Publications Student Papers (LUP-SP) is the institutional repository for master theses and student papers from Lund University. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 64,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible. Find articles, books and reports - LUBsearch . Library catalouge - LUBcat . Lund University School of Economics and Management P.O. Box 7080 220 07 LUND, Sweden LUBSearch Här söker du enklast efter vårt elektroniska material, som t ex artiklar, e-böcker och databaser.
Stora delar av det elektroniska materialet finns i fulltext och med ditt Student- eller Lucat-konto kommer du åt det var du än befinner dig. Lunds universitets elektroniska resurser är samlade i den gemensamma ingången LUBsearch. Här hittar du bland annat de elektroniska tidskrifter och databaser som Lunds universitet prenumererar på. Logga in till våra tjänster i LUBsearch med ditt studentkonto.
Biblioteken vid Lunds universitet: Start
Home; LUBsearch Toggle Dropdown. All licensed databases that Lund University have are available in Databases A-Z. Databases A-Z also contain links to open resources that might be of use for students and employees at Lund University.
Kth bibliotek
Mer information om hur EndNote fungerar hittar du i Sambibs EndNoteguide. LUBsearch ger en samlad ingång till Lunds Universitets Biblioteks elektroniska resurser. Via LUBsearch har du som studerar vid Lunds universitet tillgång till tusentals e-tidskrifter, tusentals e-böcker och hundratals databaser. Med din STiL-identitet kommer du åt universitets digitala resurser oavsett var du befinner dig.
LUBsearch – the University's search engine for electronic publications and databases Software you need for your studies Worldwide access to the University’s computer network through a virtual private network (VPN)
LUBsearch In LUBsearch you can find all print and licensed e-resources available from the Lund University Libraries and some Open Access material freely available on the Internet. Here, you also find A-Z lists with links to all databases, e-books and e-journals available from Lund University Libraries. LUBsearch In LUBsearch you can find all print and licensed e-resources available from the Lund University Libraries and some Open Access material freely available on the Internet. Here, you also find A-Z lists with links to all databases, e-books and e-journals available from Lund University Libraries.
Kurs distans ledarskap
LU Libraries . LUBsearch. You can search for electronic books, articles, journals and databases in LUBsearch.
Klickar du på den får du bland annat information om vad databasen innehåller.
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Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet - Fria FN-databaser i
Sök. Sök Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek Medicinska fakulteten har tre bibliotek i Lund och Malmö.