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2019-11-25 · Ex-Petrobras Trader Tells Judge Vitol Bribed Him ENERGY ANALYTICS INSTITUTE (EAI) 25/11/2019 30/11/2019 (Bloomberg, Sabrina Valle and Andy Hoffman, 25.Nov.2019) — A former Petroleo Brasileiro SA oil trader who went by the code name “Phil Collins” told a Brazilian judge he received bribes from Vitol Group to favor the firm in contracts with the crude producer, court documents show. Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras has received $44.65 million in a settlement with Swiss energy trading firm Vitol, which was implicated in a sprawling national corruption probe. According to a Reuters article , Petroleo Brasileiro – Petrobras as it is formally known – said in a securities filing that the settlement was brokered as part of a leniency deal between Vitol and federal 2019-11-25 · A former Petrobras oil trader told a Brazilian judge he received bribes from Vitol Group to favor the firm in contracts with the crude producer, court documents show. Ett Vitol-lett konsortium som inkluderar Africa Oil meddelar att man förvärvar brasilianska Petrobras andel på 50 procent i nigerianska offshore-tillgångar. Marknaden jublar efter beskedet. Despite Vitol’s kickback scheme in Petrobras, Vitol’s US executives were not charged in Brazil, however, it was yet to be revealed whether they had been charged in the United States.

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22 Oct 2020 Petrobras said in an e-mailed response it only learned of Tuesday's and other information provided by Marcio Dutra Goncalves, a former Vitol  3 Dez 2020 A trading Vitol fechou acordo de leniência com o Ministério Público Federal e acertou o pagamento de multas de R$ 232 milhões à Petrobras  26 Nov 2020 Court documents made public on Thursday included search warrants against a former Petrobras executive, approved based on plea-bargain  30 Dic 2020 Petrobras recibe US$44,5M tras un acuerdo entre Vitol y la Fiscalía Federal por el caso Lava Jato. El acuerdo del que informa Petrobras fue  4 Nov 2019 The agreement follows Vitol and Delonex decisions to withdraw from the purchase of 50% of the share capital of Petrobras Oil & Gas. 5 déc. 2018 Le siège de la compagnie pétrolière publique Petrobras à Rio de Janeiro qu'ils enquêtaient sur les pratiques de Vitol, Trafigura et Glencore. 22 nov. 2019 Les deux entreprises actives dans le négoce de pétrole ont confirmé les perquisitions menées par le Ministère public de la Confédération à  22 nov.

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Otra gran compañía internacional se ve salpicada por un escándalo de corrupción en sus negocios en América In internal emails between the Vitol traders, information from the Petrobras officials was marked “PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL_PLEASE”, according to a separate order from the Commodity Futures Trading The bribery allegations surfaced during the “Operation Carwash” corruption probe into Brazilian state energy company Petrobras. This led to a United States indictment that accused Vitol employees Petrobras on Vitol leniency agreement Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million, as a result of a leniency agreement entered into between the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and Vitol Inc. and Vitol do Brasil Ltda. (Vitol), on 12/03/2020. Vitol was accused of two violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, an American anti-bribery law, for its conduct from 2005 through 2020.

Vitol petrobras

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Petrobras said a month ago it is selling its 50 percent stake in a Nigerian oil and gas exploration venture to a consortium led by Vitol for $1.53 billion as the state-controlled oil company That meant Vitol could bid for Petrobras’s oil products at exactly the price that it knew would win. Within the trading house, this was referred to as the “gold number,” according to the DOJ documents. Entre 2004 et 2015, les transactions entre Vitol et Petrobras ont atteint un volume de 14 milliards de dollars (presque autant en francs au cours actuel), principalement pour l'achat et la vente 20 дек 2020 По данным американского Минюста, Vitol заплатила более 8 млн долларов взяток руководству Petrobras. А бразильская нефтяная  30 Dec 2020 Vitol pays $45 million to Petrobras in leniency agreement Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million (US$ 45)  Trafigura, Mercuria and Vitol said they have zero-tolerance policies for bribery and corruption. Glencore said it takes ethics and compliance seriously.

Vitol petrobras

Dutra paid up to 12,000 reais in cash a month to a Petrobras employee named Ricardo Brandao for information on Petrobras strategy and pricing that would give Vitol an advantage over competitors 2019-11-23 · Carlos Roberto Martins Barbosa said he collected payoffs between 2003 and 2005 to steer fuel oil contracts to Vitol with Petrobras, as the state-controlled company is known, and give Vitol more In the bribery case, Vitol admitted that its employees and agents paid about $8m of bribes to officials at Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned energy company, between 2005 and 2014, including to Petrobras said on Thursday it has halted oil and refined products trading with Vitol, Trafigura and Glencore just hours after Brazilian prosecutors charged 12 people in relations to an alleged 2020-12-08 · That meant Vitol could bid for Petrobras’s oil products at exactly the price that it knew would win. Within the trading house, this was referred to as the “gold number,” according to the DOJ 2020-12-29 · Petrobras on Vitol leniency agreement Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million, as a result of a leniency agreement entered into between the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and Vitol Inc. and Vitol do Brasil Ltda. (Vitol), on 12/03/2020.
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Vitol petrobras

2020-12-30 2020-10-21 Petrobras said on Thursday it has halted oil and refined products trading with Vitol, Trafigura and Glencore just hours after Brazilian prosecutors charged 12 people in relations to an alleged 2019-11-02 Leading global oil traders Vitol [VITOLV.UL], Trafigura [TRAFGF.UL] and Glencore paid more than $30 million in bribes to employees at state-owned Brazilian company Petrobras in a scheme that may Vitol’s agent for Brazilian oil deals was a key player in a network shown in court documents to have drawn up multiple bribery schemes, with the collaboration of insiders at state oil firm Petrobras. Vitol paid him through an offshore company that had been at the centre of this network’s plans. Vitol, Glencore and Trafigura did tens of billions of dollars in business with Brazil's state petroleum company over the period in question, leaving considerable room for an investigation. The FBI is investigating energy trading firm Vitol's top two executives in the Americas in connection with a Brazil bribery case, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said, deepening 2018-11-08 2020-12-20 Petrobras said that it has recovered 4.8 billion reais in settlements and compensation related to the Car Wash investigation to date.

(Vitol), on 12/03/2020.
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