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Maximal Oavsett var du är kan du räkna med våra AIXAM specialist! inte bara vad gäller säkerheten: kassadifferenser elimineras, avstämningar sker automatiskt och personalen kan ägna sig åt annat än att räkna kontanter. OUR STRENGTH AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE Our strength lies in our professionalism, reliability, and our ability to implement field-tested steps to prevent incidents before they occur Since our inception in 2006, Rakna’s goal has been to exceed our clients' expectations Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Limited (RALL) established in 2006 affiliated to Ministry of Defence (MOD) as a state-owned security entity, providing top-notch commercial security service over 150 vital public and private sector organizations across the country and intonationally as well with over 3,500+ highly qualified and well-trained security officers and also committed offering top-rated military background Sea Marshals for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) and on-board shipping vessels. The Rakna Arakshaka Lanka was established as a government affiliated security service to provide security to special institutions such as economic targets, public institutions and private institutions considering the then situation in the country as army officers who provided such security had to be deployed in process of maintaining law and order in the country. The disclosure points on the direction of the exchange of sea marshals and naval officers. This affair was being conducted by the Ceylon Association of Shipping Agents (CASA) involving Rakna Lanka Security Service and Avant Garde Company in a joint project between the state and private sectors. Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Limited is a government owned business which undertakes security needs of the commercial sector.

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