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LAUSD Parent Portal -- Parent Access Support System Portal For detailed information on LAUSD PASSport, please view the PowerPoint. Ulysses S. Grant High … 08/16/2018 - ALL: LAUSD Parent Portal The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Parent Portal, formerly known as the Parent Access Support System Portal (PASSport). The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Parent Portal, formerly known as the Parent Access Support System Portal (PASSport), provides parents and students with access to a wide array of school information. LAUSD Parent Portal For Assistance with Parent Portal, contact your Parent and Community Engagement office: Local District Central - (213) 241-1931.

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LAUSD Parent Portal (formerly PASSport) Human Resources Quick Links; Human Resources Website (Teach in L.A.) New Teacher Resources; SmartFindExpress (formerly known as Sub Finder) Classified Employees (Personnel Commission) Classified Sub Finder; Business Tools for Schools (BTS) System Login; Magnet Portal; MyPay; Employee Email; LAUSD Single Go to the LAUSD Parent Portal main page to get started. Haskell steam magnet elementary. 15850 Tulsa St. Granada Hills, CA 91344 (818) 366-6431 Phone | (818) 360-4627 LAUSD Passport/Schoology. Patrick Henry Middle School provides multiple ways to maintain communication between school and home.

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Parent Portal - Click for info Parent Portal . Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities - Click for info Parents' Rights and Responsibilities . PCS Parent Engagement Resources - Click for info Monthly Parent Newsletters.

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Como verificar las calificaciones de se estudiante en PASSPORT AQUÍ. passport lausd student login. Use official links to get an access to your account. Sign-in to your account was never be so easy. The LAUSD Parent Portal is LAUSD's Parent Access Support System portal.

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Employees, parents and students will be able to book their COVID-19 test appointments, get test results and answer the daily health check screening questions in an effort to do the best we can to keep ourselves and others as safe as possible.
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LAUSD Parent Portal -- Parent Access Support System Portal For detailed information on LAUSD PASSport, please view the PowerPoint. Ulysses S. Grant High School. 13000 Oxnard Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401 For detailed information on LAUSD PASSport, please view the PowerPoint. Ulysses S. Grant High School 13000 Oxnard Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401 Phone: (818) 756-2700 Fax: (818) 908-0774 Login to the PASSPort Portal using your e-mail and the password you created to add your student. Linking your child to the PASSPort Portal requires their 10 digit ID. See attachments below for detailed instructions.

The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Parent Portal, formerly known as the Parent Access Support System Portal (PASSport), provides parents and students with access to a wide array of school information.
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¡Un sistema integral que de manera segura conecta a los padres y tutores legales a los datos importantes de sus hijos!