Featured Lists Browse About. ConcernedApe is the moniker of Eric Barone, a solo game developer based in Seattle, WA. Top Sellers. Feb 26, 2016 “You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in ConcernedApe on Twitter “Another sneak peek into the upcoming 1.4 update introducing fish ponds, a new farm building that allows you to raise fish and collects eggs (roe) and other products.” Article by … Stardew Valley update 1.5 has been teased with a single image, showing ducks and trees in water and what could be a new farm layout. concernedape icon Classic T-Shirt, concernedape, concerned ape, stardew valley, stardew, eric barone, steam, nintendo switch ShopBySeidler Sale Price AU$24.14 AU$ 24.14 Hi! Welcome to Sanshee! We're a shop dedicated to creating fun and thoughtful products that bring people joy. As fellow artists and fans of games and animation, we take immense pride in contributing to our favorite communities and creators through our officially licensed and uniquely original lifestyle collections. Please take a look around and let us know if you have any questions!
28.2k. Posted by 3 months ago. 18 12 14 6 9. Some new 1.5 news from ConcernedApe’s twitter. 2021-04-22 · Eric Barone, a.k.a ConcernedApe, has recently taken to Twitter to let farmers know that the next big update is just around the corner.Players have been frothing at the mouth for the much-anticipated update, which has been touted as a major addition to Stardew Valley’s endgame content. Today, solo-developer ConcernedApe posted on Twitter that the mobile edition is getting worked on and that he’s “committed”: As for mobile: I'm committed to seeing the 1.5 update come to mobile, and I'm doing what I can to make that happen as soon as possible. Independent video game developer from Seattle 2021-01-27 · ConcernedApe is Eric Barone, the creator and lead developer of Stardew Valley, as well as the name of the company he founded to continue game development.From 2012 to 2019, he programmed the entire game (except multiplayer networking in 1.3) and created all art, sound effects, and music.
With the role of social networking and media still in its e Ideas that will help you create Tweets that your followers will want to read. In his book Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business, online marketing expert Ted Prodromou offers an easy-to-understand guide to using Twitter that will help small There's no question that Twitter has received all kinds of hype this past year, but Lifehacker readers have generally been a touch wary of the micro-blogging service. So we're wondering: How many of you actually use Twitter?
Share. Report Save. level 2. sam, sebastian, and abigail collectively share a twitter account based around mayor lewis.
— ConcernedApe (@ConcernedApe) February 26, 2018 While Barone didn't provide any official details about the new game via Twitter, some concepts about his upcoming title were revealed during a
ConcernedApe 8,747 post karma 60,160 comment karma send a private message. I also had a twitter account that I posted to sometimes, and this reddit account. Se hela listan på stardewvalley.net
ConcernedApe is the moniker of Eric Barone, a solo game developer based in Seattle, WA. Twitch (170) Twitter (173,958) YouTube (16,374) Official Website . We don’t have an estimated date for the reprint but we’re working on figuring that out right now. The best way to stay informed is probably to follow ConcernedApe on twitter, as he’ll announce something there when we know.
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Mar 14, 2020 In a recent Twitter exchange, someone asked the game's creator, Eric " ConcernedApe" Barone, someone asked if there were still secrets within The latest tweets from @ConcernedApe The latest tweets from @ConcernedApe If you’re one of the ten million people that have bought and love Stardew Valley, then developer ConcernedApe has good news for you.
A collaboration between Concerned Ape and Eric Barone has lead to a new board Like and follow us Facebook Twitter · Friend Code Exchange + Game with Us&n
@HomesteadPanda @GamesBySaul Yes, you can use it. Tweet reply.
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It's not an RPG, but I thought the gameplay and progression was really great and kept me coming back over and over. So if anyone has an idea how to reach out to ConcernedApe that’d be great! I've heard he's pretty responsive on his Twitter! 13. Share. Report Save.