Utkast till lagbestämmelser om befraktning 5 kap. 109-168


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c. There is a case filed in court. 69. Which is default on the part of the creditor? a. Mora solvendi b.

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Compensatio morae 70. There is mora accipiendi or delay on the part of the creditor when the obligee or creditor refuse to accept the delivery of the thing which is the object of the obligation without justifiable cause. The requisites for mora accipiendi are: the fulfilment requires the act of cooperation on the part of the creditor, that the debtor has done what is incumbent upon him and refusal by creditor. Mora solvendi -debtor to fulfill 2. Mora accipiendi -creditor to accept 3. Compensatiomorae -delay of debtors in reciprocal oblgns (eg.

Utkast till lagbestämmelser om befraktning 5 kap. 109-168

Mora accipiendi -creditor to accept 3. Compensatiomorae -delay of debtors in reciprocal oblgns (eg. contract of sale); delay of the debtor cancels the delay of the creditor, & vice versa Requisites if delay by the debtor (morasolvendi) *assuming the oblgn is already due/demandable 1. Mora Accipiendi – default on part of creditor judicial or extra-judicial, made by the creditor when he unjustifiably refuses to accept the • REQUISITES: upon the debtor to fulfill, perform or comply with performance of the obligation.

Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor

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Author: Strong Leopon. 9 months ago. Mora accipiendi, relates to delay on the part of the obligee in accepting the performance of the obligation by the obligor. The requisites ofmora accipiendiare: an offer of performance by the debtor who has the required capacity; the offer must be to comply with the prestation as it should be performed; and the creditor refuses the performance without just cause. The delay on the part of the debtor to fulfill his obligation (to give or to do) by reason of a cause imputable to him.

Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor

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Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor

Mora accipiendi -creditor to accept 3. Compensatiomorae -delay of debtors in reciprocal oblgns (eg. contract of sale); delay of the debtor cancels the delay of the creditor, & vice versa Requisites if delay by the debtor (morasolvendi) *assuming the oblgn is already due/demandable 1. Mora Accipiendi – default on part of creditor judicial or extra-judicial, made by the creditor when he unjustifiably refuses to accept the • REQUISITES: upon the debtor to fulfill, perform or comply with performance of the obligation.

A. Oblicon reviewer summary the law on obligations and contracts Copy.
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tdCjFE National Library of Sweden Denna bok digitaliserades på

A. Oblicon reviewer summary the law on obligations and contracts Copy. Download. Oblicon reviewer summary the law on obligations and contracts Copy Jan 28, 2019 1. Mora solvendi – or the delay on the part of the debtor to fulfill his obligation (to give or to do) by reason of a cause imputable to him; · 2.