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It originated in Sweden and the instructors, who usually wear bright yellow and pink workout clothes, will have you unexpectedly smiling as your find yourself doing push-ups, planks, jumping jacks, and running around an international school gymnasium! heyrobics 北京市 • heyrobics 北京市 photos • heyrobics 北京市 location • heyrobics 北京市 address • heyrobics 北京市 • heyrobics 北京市 • heyrobics dōngchéng qū 北京市 2014-01-03 This is Heyrobics. An incarnation of the Swedish fitness activity jympa , Heyrobics is an exercise phenomenon spreading rapidly throughout the Chinese capital. Beijing, 13 March 2018 | Heyrobics is the biggest non-competitive sport in Sweden, with more than 6% of the Swedish population as members.Heyrobics is the branch-off of what in Sweden is called “Frisks & Svettis” — that’s “healthy and sweaty” in English, and was introduced to China by Linus Holmsäter, the son of Johan Holmsäter who invented the concept of “Frisks & Svettis Jympa became Heyrobics in Beijing because it’s easier for non-Swedes to pronounce, Holmsäter explains. When the Heyrobics group went on tour last year, Chinese in the provinces gave them a rousing welcome.
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10/22/2015 Workout session with Heyrobics Jympa in Beijing. Date: 22 October, 18:30 –21:00 Location: Embassy of Sweden in Beijing Dongzhimenwai Dajie 3, Chaoyang district, Beijing Organiser: Embassy of Sweden in Beijing Contact person: Sebastian Magnusson Heyrobics Internship - Spring 2012 - Join The Heyrobics Team! Issuu company logo. Close. Try. Features Fullscreen sharing Embed Statistics Article stories Visual Stories SEO. Moka Bros has joined forces again with Swedish fitness powerhouses Heyrobics and HeyRunning. This Monday (May 12), they'll be hosting a Heyrobics session on the fourth floor Nali Patio rooftop. If it's anything like the last, expect power shots of smoothies to get the session started and deals at Moka Bros to replenish your energy afterwards.
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北京市 • heyrobics 北京市 • heyrobics! 北京市 • heyrobics! dōng zhí mén 北京市 There are 2 videos about “heyrobics” on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Heyrobics ("Jympa") is the biggest non-competitive workout in Sweden with than 6% of the Swedish population as active members.
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13–14 oktober Virtual Autopsy Table på Innovation Stage. 13–14 oktober Heyrobics. 14 oktober.
Heyrobics is a one-hour workout set to make you sweat and smile. Now, as it seems like many people need those two things more than anything else, we're Hey!
Heyrobics har startats upp av Johan Holmsäters son Linus och är med andra ord Friskis och Svettis fast med nytt namn och med den nybyggaranda som kanske rådde då – kanske exklusive 70-talets frigjordhet som jag fick vibbar av från fader Johan Holmsäter här i helgen. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators
Holmsater, winner of the 2008 Great Wall Marathon, runs classes in heyrobics at Chaoyang Park every Sunday at 5:15 pm, to stop what he sees as a rapidly fattening society.
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E-postadressen publiceras inte. Obligatoriska fält är Heyrobics bygger på glädjefokus, med bjärta färger och eget rörelsemönster. Bygger vidare på Friskis & Svettis. Håller träningar i urbana miljöer. Men nu har Heyrobics gjort sig känt för uppseendeväckande pass på hustak och massträning med 30 000 personer på Himmelska fridens torg.
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Linus Holmsäter kan bli nästa generations problemlösare – SN
Wanting to 10 Mar 2017 Heyrobics Starting from April 9, Heyrobics will have two Sunday timeslots that parents and kids can join. To quote the organizer, “All Heyrobics 8 okt 2013 Övriga medverkande är Linus Holmsäter, som med sitt Heyrobics-koncept lett gympapass på Himmelska fridens torg i Beijing för 30.000 9 mar 2014 Efter två och ett halvt år är Heyrobics fortfarande en testverksamhet. Ledare i blågula linnen bjuder in till trettio olika pass varje vecka i Peking.