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ARTIKEL - Translation in English -
translateText. insert_drive_fileDokument. Översättning av text. Identifiera språk. Identifiera språk svenska engelska spanska. swap_horiz.
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Note. This tool is for translating simple sentences; the result may need to be perfected. Translation of websites from Russian, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Turkish and other languages into English and back. Works in online mode.
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English Meaning: 1. newspaper article 2. article Learn bestämd artikel in English translation and other related translations from Swedish to English. Discover bestämd artikel meaning and improve your English Then go to the English version of the article you want to translate in a new tab in svenskt artikel, se till att du lägger till mallen {{project|Swedish translation}} för Results for interventionsprodukter translation from English to Portuguese.
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Translate. GB |ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l| article: Pronunciation artikel - ett visst objekt eller objekt, vanligtvis ett av en specifik typ. Swedish Word: en artikel. Singular (Definite): artikeln. Plural (Indefinite): artiklar. Plural (Definite): artiklarna.
Come in, learn the word translation artikel and add them to your flashcards. Fiszkoteka, your checked Indonesian English Dictionary! This translator converts binary numbers into English text. To do this it first breaks the binary string up into 8-bit chunks and converts these chunks to decimal numbers.
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bestämd artikel in English - Swedish-English Dictionary Glosbe
Anyone is welcome to reuse the content of Wikipedia, anywhere, provided proper attribution is given. However, we're particularly keen, where articles exist on the English Wikipedia but not on another of the 304 List of Wikipedias, for volunteers to translate English articles to fill the gaps. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you! Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers No need to outsource translation to an agency or ask for help.