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In addition, in order to show continued compliance with CS-FSTD A or H and Part ORA an Operator is required to establish a Compliance Monitoring System (CMS) that will demonstrate the Operator's capability to maintain the performance, functions and EASA 1178/2011 Part ORA Regulations– 2 Days Introduction The introduction of Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 brought together all elements of pilot licensing, medical and training organisation approval under the direct regulatory control of EASA. a Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Under EASA Aircrew Regulation Annex VII (Part-ORA), ORA.FSTD.200 Please complete this form online (preferred method) then print, sign and submit as instructed. Alternatively, print, then complete in BLOCK CAPITALS using black or dark blue ink. Unique No. (to be completed by CAA) This training course, by the UK CAA, provides an introduction to the philosophy established in ICAO 9625 Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices Volume I and explores EASA NPA 2020-15 and the FSTD Capability Signature approach. For FSTD-Operators: According to Commission Regulation (EC) 290/2012, also organisations to hold an FSTD certificate under EASA will have to readjust their administrative procedures and update their documentation. Her also, a Management System, with a Compliance Monitoring System for your FSTD is necessary. NPA 2020-15: New EASA FSTD Standards Time to leave your comments with EASA via the CRT! Dear Aviation Professionals, as you might already have been notified when subscribed to the EASA website is the Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2020-15 newly released by EASA in late 2020 and planned to become effective by end 2021.

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(close to Cessna  ORA, Organisation Requirements Air Crew In addition, any Non- Approved Training Organisation Certificate or EASA related documents, manuals, working tools and Implementation an introduction of new training aircraft/FSTD, Procedur Mar 15, 2021 and is approved by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). if other qualified FSTDs are used as described in AMC2.ORA.ATO.125. and TOOLS. EASA Part-147 & 66; PERAM 147 & 66; EMAR 147 & 66; S6000T; SCORM 2004; PART FCL; PART ORA – ATO; PART ORA – FSTD; JAR  has satisfied the Qualification Requirements prescribed in Part-ORA, subject to the conditions of the attached FSTD specification. This qualification certificate  8 Haz 2017 h) EASA: Avrupa Havacılık Emniyet Ajansını, ı) FSTD: Sentetik Uçuş Eğitim Cihazı i) FFS: Tam Uçuş Simülatörünü, j) FTD: Uçuş Eğitim Cihazını,. Jul 2, 2018 Has satisfied the qualification requirements prescribed in Part-ORA, subject to the conditions of the attached FSTD specifications. Le present  15 juil.

EASA Form 2 Bilaga ORA FSTD - Transportstyrelsen

a) JAA veya EASA tarafından yayımlanan, ilk kalifikasyonu için yapılan bavuru Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB No.: 2013-02 Issued: 22 January 2013 Subject: Stall and Stick Pusher Training Ref. Publications: FAA Advisory Circular 120-109 FAA Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training Aid Aircrew Regulation 1178/2011 (Part-FCL, Part-ORA) and Air EASA.ATO.0012 Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and subject to the conditions specified below, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency hereby certifies FLIGHTSAFETY INTERNATIONAL INC. \ I I I I I I I / 1/ / // I' I I I J/ / // ; 1 As a Part-ORA certified training organisation with the privilege to provide Part-FCL training Tout exploitant de FSTD, quel que soit le type de FSTD exploité, doit se mettre en conformité avec les règlements applicables et notamment les sous-parties ORA.GEN et ORA.FSTD du règlement UE n°1178/2011 modifiié dit Aircrew. Tout exploitant FSTD de moins de 20 ETP est considéré complexe s’il est adossé à un ATO classé complexe. La notion de complexité permet de définir quels AMC à l’ORA.GEN.200 sont applicables.

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CIVILA. EASA. European Aviation Safety Agency.

Easa ora fstd

Part-ORA - Content V1, June 2016 4 | P a g e. ORA.FSTD.100 General FSTD qualification levels Devices having a particular level of FSTD qualification are required or certain courses of training; for example type rating training in accordance with AMC1 ORA.ATO.125(j) requires training in a full-flight simulator (FFS). This does not imply that any device qualified as an FFS is adequate for any type rating programme.
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Easa ora fstd

För innehavare av flera Easa-typcertifikat och/eller flera begränsade Easa-typcertifikat, Easa (som avses i kapitel FSTD i Del ARA och kapitel FSTD i del ORA i  Easa-medlemmarna tillämpar olika metoder för att begränsa dessa flygningar. bilaga VII till kommissionens förordning EU) nr 290/2012 (Del-ORA) att ändras. Part-ORA - Content V1, June 2016 6 | P a g e Disclaimer This version has been prepared by the Agency in order to provide stakeholders with an updated and FSTD Location (ICAO code, address) FSTD qualification level Aircraft type and variant Training, testing, checking Primary reference document FSTD according to EASA (Part-ORA) CZ-24 F AIR, spol. s r.o. LKKV FNPT II Tecnam P2006T IFR training CS-FSTD(A), Issue 2 Letiště Benešov Letiště Karlovy Vary IFR checks Easy Access Rules for Organisation Requirements for Aircrew (Part-ORA) Note from the editor Powered by EASA eRules Page 5 of 113| Jun 2020 NOTE FROM THE EDITOR The content of this document is arranged as follows: the cover regulation (recitals and articles) with gm2 ora.fstd.100 general ..49 compliance monitoring – assessment for organisations operating fstds49 gm3 ora.fstd.100 general ..56 compliance monitoring system – guidance for organisations operating fstds Additional Information: The "Status" of the FSTD is set to ACTIVE if the device can be used for training and checking activities.

EASA Qualified FSTDs. An EASA FSTD qualification certificate has an unlimited duration (ARA.FSTD.100). It remains valid as long as its "Status" is ACTIVE in the list below.
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EASA Form 2 bilaga RA - Transportstyrelsen

(f) 'FSTD Operator' identifies the organisation directly responsible to EASA or an Aviation Authority, as applicable, for requesting and maintaining the qualification of a particular FSTD and which has to comply with Part-ORA requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.