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v. Her Majesty The Queen Respondent. and. Justice for Children and Youth  20 Sep 2020 Realized value (RV) is the value of each bitcoin at the last time it was moved. The LTH-MVRV looks at the behavior of long-term holders.

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The Supreme Court of Canada’s (“SCC”) ruling in R v LTH, 2 SCR 739 [ LTH], while a welcome one for defenders of criminal justice rights of young offenders, is one that invites comment upon the SCC’s continuing interest in promoting objectivity in decision of law – even where an objective standard may not reasonably exist.

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There were two questions before the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) in R v LTH, 2 SCR 739. First, whether the Crown must prove that the explanation of the rights conferred by s. 146 was given to a detained youth in appropriate and understandable language, and also that it was in fact understood by the young person.

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Modeller för torkning av kartongkvalitéer Magnus Karlsson

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