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Internationella Engelska Skolan - IES - Mr McCarthy and the

Although it is always sad not to be able to welcome you onsite, it is nonetheless a very important discussion between your child's mentor, you and your child, working together for their future. 7 Aug 18, Posted in From the Principal From the Principal Några ord om sommaren och vad som händer just nu! Som varje år är även sommaren en ganska hektisk tid på en skola, det målas, putsas, möbleras om, funderas över hur vi blir bättre, hur vi gör skolan till en tryggare plats och nya lärare börjar. Welcome to IES Hässleholm. We deliver a safe, calm international educational experience for students in northeastern Skåne. We have students from Åhus to Klippan, and from Tomelilla to Östra Göinge. The school offers bilingual education with a strong focus on discipline and operates from year 4 to year 9.

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Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Grades 7-9 Sick Report: Always report sickness via Schoolsoft or SMS to Mentor as soon as possible Telephone: 031 381 8509 (Reception available via telephone between 08:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00) Since then I have been the Assistant Principal at IES Johanneberg in Göteborg, with Mr McPherson for the past 3 years. As well as all the daily trials and tribulations of running a school I have been studying on the Principal's course at Gothenburg University. Welcome to IES Östersund! It is a pleasure and a privilege to be the Principal of IES Östersund and be involved from its very beginning! IES schools are very special places.

Lärare i Engelska/ English Teacher • Internationella Engelska

Although it is always sad not to be able to welcome you onsite, it is nonetheless a very important discussion between your child's mentor, you and your child, working together for their future. 7 Aug 18, Posted in From the Principal From the Principal Några ord om sommaren och vad som händer just nu! Som varje år är även sommaren en ganska hektisk tid på en skola, det målas, putsas, möbleras om, funderas över hur vi blir bättre, hur vi gör skolan till en tryggare plats och nya lärare börjar. Welcome to IES Hässleholm.

Ies johanneberg principal

Orgeln i S:ta Birgittas kapell - Carl Johans församling

We are a dynamic, ambitious school committed to helping each and every child to succeed to the fullest of their potential. The school is located in a modern, well-equipped building not far from Skärholmen Centrum.

Ies johanneberg principal

Welcome from the Principal I hope that you enjoy looking around our website; learning about our academic programs, activities, students and staff.
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Ies johanneberg principal

Modern Foreign Languages.

Before coming to IES Södertälje, I have held many administration positions in a number of different schools over the years and I have been working with education both in Sweden and abroad. Our doors opened in August of 2017 to a beautifully renovated school, filled with teachers at the top of their fields eager to teach students from in and around Södertälje. 18 Jan 19, Posted in From the Principal From the Principal Happy New Year IES Karlstad has had another very successful fall term ending the first half of our 10th year with a very special assembly for the students and staff.

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Omdömen om Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg

Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Grades 7-9 Sick Report: Always report sickness via Schoolsoft or SMS to Mentor as soon as possible Telephone: 031 381 8509 (Reception available via telephone between 08:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00) Since then I have been the Assistant Principal at IES Johanneberg in Göteborg, with Mr McPherson for the past 3 years. As well as all the daily trials and tribulations of running a school I have been studying on the Principal's course at Gothenburg University. Welcome to IES Östersund!