Protestors demonstrate against President-elect Donald Trump on Nov. 13, 2016, in Philadelphia. Trump lost the popular vote by more than a million votes, but won the Electoral College. 2020-09-21 · The various arguments advanced for and against the Electoral College seem to outnumber the stars. A book issued by the group promoting the National Popular Vote plan runs a thousand pages Equality and Equity, the Progressive Cases For and Against the Electoral College.

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Since then, arguments against the Electoral College have gained momentum on social media and in left leaning media outlets. 2019-10-15 · In the 2000 presidential election, Democratic candidate Al Gore won the national popular vote by several hundred thousand votes. However, due to the mechanics of the Electoral College, Republican candidate George W. Bush gained more Electoral College votes, thus winning the election and ultimately serving two four-year terms as president. Another potential weakness in the Electoral College system is the existence of so-called “faithless electors,” who for whatever reason choose to vote against their state’s chosen candidate.

The official general election results gave Trump 304 Electoral College votes and 46.09% of the popular vote (62,984,825), and Hillary Clinton received 227 Proponents further argue that the Electoral College contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two -party system. There can be no doubt that the Electoral College has encouraged and helps to maintain a two- party system in the United States. This is true simply because it is extremely difficult for a new or minor He wrote, “Since 2000, a popular argument for the electoral college made on conservative websites and talk radio is that without the Electoral College, candidates would spend all their time campaigning in big cities and would ignore low-population areas.” Some claim that the Electoral College prevents one state or prohibits a few cities from determining the winner of the presidential election.

Argument for and against electoral college

Under the But there are also staunch defenders of the Electoral College who, though perhaps less vocal than its critics, offer very powerful arguments in its favor.

Argument for and against electoral college

Under the Electoral College, a candidate can lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote and become president. This has happened three times—1876, 1888 and 2000—and strikes many people as unfair. However, the Electoral College is written into the US Constitution. There’s no way to get rid of it without an amendment.
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Argument for and against electoral college

So, how does the Electoral College work?

He points out that nearly two dozen elections were so closely decided that they could have ended up in the House of Representatives with the switch of just a few thousand votes in key states. Another popular theory is that the Electoral College was designed to prevent presidential candidates from ignoring the smaller, less populated states. Whatever the case, there’s no denying that Since 2000, a popular argument for the electoral college made on conservative websites and talk radio is that without the Electoral College, candidates would spend all their time campaigning in 2016-11-16 · 5 Arguments (and Rebuttals) for the Electoral College.
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A direct election is simpler—just count up all the votes across the country, and whoever gets the most, wins. It’s how we do every other election—why should voting for president be different?