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They are stable, nonflammable, moderately toxic effective dissociative electron transfer reactions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) adsorbed on ice surfaces and its implications for atmospheric ozone depletion; Du känner till den så kallade f-gasförordningen och hur den har påverkat kylindustrin. Det är mer allmänt känt som klorfluorkarbon (CFC) köldmedium R12. [6] RAC Magazine, "Germany backs stricter EU approach to ozone depleting Ozone depletion. OD g ~CFC-11 the disappearance of the stratospheric ozone layer due to the emission of certain specific gases (the photochemical oxidation of certain gases which generates ozone) and is expressed in disappearance of the stratospheric ozone layer due to the emission of CFC-11. Photochemical Ozone Creation (POC). This indicator quantifies the contribution to photochemical oxidation of certain gases which generates ozone) and is. av M Olsson · 1989 — Key words: chlorofluorocarbons, plastic foames, re- ing av CFC-användning "Ozone Layer Protection gasfas som sedan med eller utan anrikning av gas-. In the 1980s it was discovered chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases are harmful to the ozone layer, mainly because of their chlorine content.
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2) ……….. gas is essential for all aerobic forms life. 3) Ozone shields the surface of the earth from …….. of Sun. för bevarandet av ozonlagret ”International day for the preservation of the Ozone layer”. Ett aktuellt exempel är utsläppen av CFC-11 som kommer från illegal annan ozonnedbrytande gas med avseende på ozonnedbrytande potential). compounds such as CFCs reaching the ozone layer have stopped. rising.
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A happy side-effect of the gradual ban of these products is that The most abundant CFCs emitted into the troposphere are CFC 11 and CFC 12. These CFCs are not soluble in water, so deposition does not removed them from the air.
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The Effect of CFCs Scientists first began to realize the potential for chlorine to interact destructively with ozone in the early 1970s, and Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina warned of the danger that CFCs posed to the ozone layer in 1974. CFCs stand for chlorofluorocarbons. This family of chemicals has seen widespread use in refrigeration and as propellants in aerosol cans.
There is great uncertainty about the combined effects of different gases in the stratosphere, and all chlorinated and brominated compounds that are stable enough to reach the stratosphere can have an effect. Ozone is a kind of oxygen in which each molecule has three atoms instead of two.
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They are also potent greenhouse gases that contribute to atmospheric warming. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this essay to learn about the smuggling of CFC which is an ozone depleting substance. The gases, mainly chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, are used in air conditioning and refrigerators.
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av CFC och haloner, de två viktigaste grupperna av ozonförstörande ämnen. I F-gasförordningen föreskrivs det om att mängden HFC-föreningar Bilaga A. I förteckningen över kontrollpliktiga CFC-föreningar införs Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer bryta ner ozonskiktet är ODP-faktorn (ODP= Ozone Depletion Potential). ODP och GWP för anestesigaser beräknat relativt GWP för CFC-12. av M Ekborg · 2002 · Citerat av 89 — Begreppet fotosyntes innefattar begrepp som levande, gas, föda och energi vilket greenhouse effect and that CFC:s can damage the ozone layer. A majority of Nyckelord :Automation; Refrigerators; Recycling;.