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Rysk Airbus 321 har störtat i Egypten Sida 2 BusinessClass

The first aircraft, an Airbus A320neo equipped with the new Recaro seat SL3710, weighing 8kg, made its US debut on March 23. The adoption of this ultralight LH920 from FRA to LHR, seat 29F. This is the classic approach into Heathrow from the east. Our early evening arrival (and the fact that it was not as overcast as usual!) provided us with gorgeous views of Canary Wharf and the surrounding area. [Nikon D700, AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f/4G ED VR lens] - Photo taken at In Flight in England, United Kingdom on April 26, 2012.

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Airbus A320 je civilné dopravné lietadlo pre krátke a stredné trate vyrábané firmou Airbus.Bolo to prvé civilné dopravné lietadlo s digitálnym riadiacim systémom fly-by-wire (tj. z kokpitu sa prenášajú iba elektrické signály k servomotorom Airbus A320 grupė – siaurafiuzeliažių, trumpo-vidutinio skrydžio nuotolio oro lainerių grupė, gaminama koncerno „Airbus S.A.S.“ Ją sudaro A318, A319, A320, A321 oro laineriai. Nuo gamybos pradžios 1988 metais yra pagaminta daugiau kaip 4000 vnt. šių oro lainerių.

FINNAIR Photo Gallery by Rob Finlayson at pbase.com

This next-generation aircraft features a First Class cabin with 16 recliner-style seats. The Main Cabin features 165 standard Economy Class-style seats arranged in a 3-3 configuration.

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Rysk Airbus 321 har störtat i Egypten Sida 2 BusinessClass

20.9 in. Overview The American Airlines Airbus A321 (321) 181 passenger version is primarily used on Domestic US routes. This next-generation aircraft features a First Class cabin with 16 recliner-style seats. The Main Cabin features 165 standard Economy Class-style seats arranged in a 3-3 configuration. Airbus A321 je dvomotorski, uskotrupni avion. Može biti male ili srednje veličine. Pripada porodici aviona Airbus A320, sa proširenim kapacitetom sedišta uz optimizovanu upotrebu kabine.