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Although Messmore & Damon had been around for some time, the interest here is around the animated elephants. There were early mammoths made for The World a Million Years Ago for the Chicago Fair, but the … Messmore & Damon Mechanical Elephant. (Sourced from the Messmore & Damon catalogue.). This mechanical elephant does everything but walk! Although Messmore & Damon had been around for some time, the interest here is around the animated elephants.

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Family-friendly Activities. Guidelines and Policies. Rare Messmore & Damon transportation display found in a storage trailer, never seeing the light of day for almost 40 years. Messmore & Damon were famous for making larger than life animated mechanical figures and zoo animals but did manufacture static displays for amusement parks and museums.

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Messmore & Damon were famous for making larger than life animated mechanical figures and zoo animals but did manufacture static displays for amusement parks and museums. This display, (see pictures below) was stored away after being on display up until 1980 when the focus changed and interest dropped. Messmore & Damon, who make mechanical animals of all kinds, are making a huge cow for the International Harvester Co., who are going to exhibit it at the Chicago World's Fair. The cow must moo, The Messmore & Damon Collection is dedicated to preserving and promoting the legacy of Messmore & Damon, the historic New York City company which produced theatre, opera and television scenery, *Messmore & Damon was a firm starting in the 1920's which manufactured displays, theater props, exhibits for both commercial (fairs/expositions) and industrials clients (Standard Oil, Baltimore & Ohio, New York Central).

Messmore and damon

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Title: "Two Messmore and Damon, 408 W. 27th St., New York City Creator Philip Brigandi Contributor Gifford M. Mast Date Created and/or Issued 1929 Publication Information Keystone View Company Contributing Institution UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography Collection Keystone-Mast Messmore and Damon, Inc. was founded in 1914 by George Harold Messmore (1884-1961) and Joseph A. Damon (1882-1962). Messmore and Damon met in 1916 while working on floats for the Elks Convention in New York City. The two formed a partnership and in 1914 opened Messmore and Damon, From a Bygone Era. Discover a Wealth of How-to Projects & Plans. Grandpa's Secrets. Archive > Messmore & Damon, Inc. Catalogs ADVERTISEMENTS Frankenstein - Original Messmore & Damon catalog photo of Frankenstein that Granville Trimper purhcased for the Haunted House in the early 1970s. This stunt was removed from the attraction in 2006.

Messmore and damon

Humanoid Robot. In 1924, the model-making company Messmore & Damon, Inc. of New York unleashed their masterpiece: the Amphibious Dinosaurus Brontosaurus, a moving,  ORIG 1933 HISTORY OF TORTURE EXHIBIT BOOKLET - MESSMORE & DAMON NYWF CHICAGO WF · USA · ORIG 1933 HISTORY OF TORTURE EXHIBIT. Feb 22, 2018 The second portion of the catalog will offer a blend of antiques, furniture and decorative arts. Other highlights will include a Messmore & Damon  The scale model for the statue was sculpted by Normand Martin of Bangor and built and erected by Messmore and Damon of New York City.
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Messmore and damon

The cost was approximately  11409 Messmore Rd, Utica, MI 48317 was recently sold on 02-05-2021 for $75500. See home KW Domain. Bought with: Damon Johnson, M1 Realty, Inc. Though certainly more sensational than the contemporaneous Hall of Extinct Monsters at the Smithsonian, the Messmore and Damon revue similarly collapsed  The Cars The ride track and vehicle system was furnished through Bill Tracy's association with Messmore and Damon display company of New York.

Messemore & Damon from the 1933 World’s Fair Chicago and 1939 World’s Fair in New York and the traveling exhibit afterwards. As a tool to promote animatronic displays, Messmore and Damon had the figures produced in metal versions. In 1933 the hollow metal statues were sold exclusively as boxed sets at the Expo. Messmore and Damon were known for the full-scale mechanical dinosaurs they debuted at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair.
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Company. See more of Messmore & Damon Collection on Facebook The name of Messmore and Damon’s 1933 Century of Progress exhibit was actually The World A Million Years Ago. In the 1980s and 90s, I spoke often with Francis Messmore, who worked as a young man with his family’s exhibit in 1933 and again at the 1939 Worlds Fair.