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Healing Means The Damage No Longer Controls Our Lives life quotes quotes quote life quotes and. IndianerVackra Citat I was being facetious.. pic.twitter. av ES Franchuk · 1989 — Obermensch by means of a symbol: the bracelet he wears: hans hander voro val dic beasts: with an eagle in a facetious comment of. Johan's ("Herr broders  faceless/P faceplate/M facer/MC facet/SMDG facetious/YP facetiousness/MS meanie/SM meaning/M meaningful/PY meaningfulness/SM meaningless/YP  1.

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facetious. a word used exclusively by people who take themselves too seriously, while failing to convince people otherwise. John's attempt at making a joke crashed and burned. In an effort to save face and appear relatable, he announced to the room that he was merely being facetious. Facetious means “amusing, witty, or frivolous.” Though it comes from a Latin word meaning jest, people sometimes find facetious comments more tiresome than humorous, so be careful about how and when you display this quality. Facetious is a term used to describe someone who is playful and makes fun of serious matters. Facetious Meaning.

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Facetious meaning

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Learn more. The word facetious comes from the French facétie, “joke,” and it has come to describe a joke with a little drop of sarcasm. It used to simply mean “funny and witty,” but now it often implies that someone is being inappropriately funny about a serious topic.

Facetious meaning

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Facetious meaning

Facetious is an adjective with two possible meanings.

More example sentences. ‘You learn very soon never to tell a joke or make a facetious remark.’.
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Define facetious. facetious synonyms, facetious pronunciation, facetious translation, English dictionary definition of facetious.