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Elisabet I: Historien om drottningen och hennes förtrogna

Men den nya tillvaron är inte så obesvärad som han trott. Hans möte med den Deborah Harkness debutroman är intelligent skriven underhållning som för tankarna till vampyrgenrens mästare Anne Rice. Som en blandning av Harry Potter, Twilight och True Blood, för en vuxen publik. Harkness har en bakgrund som historiker och boken präglas av hennes stora kunskap om historia och vetenskap. Descrição do livro. O Livro da Vida – Considerada pela crítica nos Estados Unidos “uma ponte entre Harry Potter, Crepúsculo e a série Outlander”, a Trilogia das Almas, de Deborah Harkness, chega ao fim com O livro da vida, uma perfeita fantasia para adultos, que alcançou o topo da lista dos mais vendidos do The New York Times em seu lançamento.

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Read more. Deborah Harkness grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and has lived in western Massachusetts, the Chicago area, Northern California, upstate New York, and Southern California. In other words, She's lived in three out of five time zones in the US! She's also lived … Deborah Harkness Books In Order. You have three options when choosing the reading order for Deborah Harkness’s books: Click here to check the latest price, readers reviews and offers of all Deborah Harkness’s books on Amazon #ad Deborah Harkness holds degrees from Mount Holyoke College, Northwestern University, and the University of California at Davis. She's a professor at the University of Southern California, Deborah Harkness is an American novelist of horror and thriller fiction. Deborah is also a scholar, and a historian of science and medicine.

A Discovery of witches, Deborah Harkness 455275461 ᐈ

Den handlar om Diana, en historieforskare och samtidigt häxa, som råkar hitta ett uråldrigt manuskript  Shadow of Night: 02: Harkness, Deborah: Amazon.se: Books. the way that Deborah Harkness has with her New York Times-bestselling All Souls trilogy. Lyssna på ”The World of All Souls A Complete Guide to A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life” av Deborah Harkness på Rakuten Kobo. The All Souls Trilogy Boxed Set. av Harkness, Deborah.

Deborah harkness

Deborah Harkness - Ancestry

Author of the All Souls Series (A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, SHADOW OF NIGHT, THE BOOK OF LIFE, … Deborah Harkness is the number one Sunday Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life. A history professor at the University of Southern California, Harkness has received Fulbright, Guggenheim, and National Humanities Center fellowships. Deborah Harkness is a #1 New York Times bestselling author who draws on her expertise as an historian of science, medicine, and the history of the book to create rich narratives steeped in magical realism, historical curiosity, and deeply human questions about what it is that makes us who we are.

Deborah harkness

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Deborah harkness

A Discovery of Witches (Viking, 2011):  17 Jan 2019 Deborah Harkness's best-selling series — brimming with magic, time travel and witches — has spawned an avid fan base, an annual  Deborah Harkness is the number one Sunday Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life.

Deborah has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Deborah J. K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Anne Rice - only a few writers capture the imagination the way that Deborah Harkness has with her New York Times best-selling All Souls trilogy.
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Deborah Harkness Redaktionellt stockfoto - stockbilder

Deborah Harkness is an American novelist who was born in the year 1965 in a town called Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania. Harkness father was born in the United States, but her mother was born in Britain. She went to school in Philadelphia and also grew up in this town. The #1 New York Times-bestselling sequel to A Discovery of Witches is as "enchanting, engrossing, and as impossible to put down as its predecessor" (Miami Herald)J. K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Anne Rice-only a few writers capture the imagination the way that Deborah Harkness has done with books one and two of her New York Times-bestselling All Souls trilogy. Deborah Harkness debutroman är intelligent skriven underhållning som för tankarna till vampyrgenrens mästare Anne Rice. Som en blandning av Harry Potter, Twilight och True Blood, för en vuxen publik.