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Definition and synonyms of it stands to reason (that) from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of it stands to reason (that).View American English definition of it stands to reason (that). Change your default dictionary to American English. (it) stands to reason.

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a. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction: There are good reasons to learn a foreign language. See Usage Notes at because, why. it stands to reason meaning: 1. said when something is obvious or clear from the facts: 2.

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Learn more. Define it stands to reason. it stands to reason synonyms, it stands to reason pronunciation, it stands to reason translation, English dictionary definition of it stands to reason. n.

It stands to reason

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said when something is obvious or….

It stands to reason

Philosophy the intellect regarded as a source of knowledge, as contrasted with experience 2. Logic grounds for a belief; a premise of an argument Explanation of it stands to reason It stands to reason that the participation of business organisations in the Charter process is indispensable. Lógicam en te, la par ti cipación de las organizaciones empresariales en el proceso iniciad o por la Car ta resulta [] it stands to reason that, in the case of loving our enemies that despitefully use us, curse us, and persecute us, love must needs be one-sided.
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