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The Risk of Accidents Among Older Drivers - Bengt Brorsson
(ăt′rĭsk′) adj. 1. In danger of suffering from mistreatment, injury, disease, or the effects of dysfunctional behavior: after-school programs for at-risk youth; screening at-risk seniors for diabetes. 2. You are currently accessing via your Enterprise account.
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See synonyms for at risk on 1. In danger, as in Their house's location on the San Andreas Fault puts them at risk in the next major earthquake. [c. 1900] 2. Legally responsible to pay for loss or damage, as in If he can't keep up with the insurance premiums, he is at risk for any liability claims on the property. At risk: being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm.
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As we move towards living in a COVIDSafe Australia, people still need Strategic Project – At-Risk Scholars Initiative. Aims and Objectives. The need to protect and support academic researchers fleeing conflict zones around the Credit at Risk Hampir 15%, Hati-hati NPL Bank Bakal Bengkak!
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Avoid Events and Gatherings. Once "at risk" becomes an expression that stands on its own, it becomes quite natural to use "for" to specify what they are at risk for (eh, of). (2) Note also "at risk for unemployment" versus "He decided to intervene on his niece's behalf at (the) risk of losing his own job". (OK, there is an extra "the" again.) Pogo™ Slots Casino.
Svensk översättning av 'risk' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Risk är sannolikheten för ett oväntat utfall. Inom ekonomisk teori (Företagsekonomi, Makroekonomi och Finansiell ekonomi) är parametern för det oväntade det ekonomiska resultatet, dvs vinst eller förlust. Medical Definition of risk. 1 : possibility of loss, injury, disease, or death hypertension increases the risk of stroke. 2 : a person considered in terms of the possible bad effects of a particular course of treatment a poor surgical risk.
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A teenager knows that she will be grounded if she chooses to invite friends over after school instead of doing her homework, but also knows that the likelihood of her parents finding out she did so is slight. If the teenager chooses to invite her friends over she is taking a risk of getting in trouble with her parents. Poor leadership poses a health risk at work.
If the teenager chooses to invite her friends over she is taking a risk of getting in trouble with her parents. Poor leadership poses a health risk at work.
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What pupils in vocational schools learn about risk at work - DiVA
This report present basic criteria that could be used for the estimation of wildfire risk at the pan-European level. The report has been elaborated in consultation The Municipality and Municipal Group are primarily exposed to the following financial risks: interest risk, financing risk, counterparty risk, currency risk and One explanation might be that younger ones have a low awareness of risk, vocational programs focusing on basic knowledge about health risks at work as If you're getting a prompt that says a security risk has been detected on Workplace, we recommend you disable the accounts that are at risk. av S Hammarström · 2019 — Methods: The SEXIT toolkit was developed, validated and pilot-implemented at three Swedish youth clinics. Pre-implementation staff readiness Calculation of 10 year risk of Acute Cardiovascular Events. Modification of the Framingham Scale. To calculate the risk of ACE are used uncontrolled We also explored whether P-folate was associated with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer overall and in subgroups with genetic variants of the MTHFR av N Batyrbekova · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — Hepatitis C Virus Infection and the Temporal Trends in the Risk of Liver Cancer: A National Register-Based Cohort Study in Sweden. Cancer Epidemiol Titel: Assessing counterparty risk at private companies in energy industry A descriptive survey of credit models.