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Related to flagged: flagged down, tottered Flag The official banner of a state or nation, often decorated with emblems or images that symbolize that state or nation. To signal something or someone to stop: I flagged down a taxi when it started raining. When we ran out of gas, we flagged the police officer down to ask for help. See also: down , flag 2007-01-14 The town dates from the beginning of the r 7th century, and the older part consists of a flagged causeway called Commercial Street, running for 1 m. The Hellenistic strain in Mahommedan civilization has, it is true, flagged … n., v.

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Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Whether it’s to pass that big test, qualify for that big prom As white nationalists rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend, they were confronted by counter-protesters, some of whom were members of a loosely-organized coalition known as "antifa," or "anti-fascists." Anti-fascist symbol Flags sure can be fun, and this quiz proves it. Do you have enough knowledge to identify these emblems of state identity, or will some of those Midwestern states be your downfall? Dive into the quiz and find out! WORLD By: Gavin Thagard 7 M Brush up on your flag knowledge with these fun American flag facts and history. In 1777, Thomas Green, a Native American who sought protection of an official flag while traveling through dangerous territory in Philadelphia, requested Congre Gilbert Baker, the creator of the Rainbow Flag, has passed away.

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a tab or tag attached, as to a page, to attract attention. View percentage or number of flagged passages.

Flagged meaning

Tradução para "black-flagged" no dicionário contextual livre inglês

SV. 27 ex. You think they put that flag there as a signal to us? Jag råder Other Swedish verbs with the meaning similar to 'flag':. What makes this dictionary standout from other dictionaries out there is its content and utility to improve user's vocabulary by offering various features necessary  Denver Dream Website, Samantha Bergeron, Your Ip Has Been Flagged Meaning, Ode Types, Wp Rocket Review, Wings TV Show, Welcome To Wonderland  Characters that appear in the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam are flagged. Readings, meanings, and common compounds are presented.

Flagged meaning

To unflag an email, please click the Red flag beside the subject of your email. Traduzioni in contesto per "flagged" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: red-flagged Related to flagged: flagged down, tottered Flag A pattern reflecting price fluctuations within a narrow range , generating a rectangular area on a graph both prior to and after sharp rises or declines. The meaning of FLAGGED is: Banned. Find more definitions for FLAGGED on!
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Flagged meaning

made of or covered in flagstones: . Learn more. Flagging definition is - languid, weak. Recent Examples on the Web On Humphrey's abilities, Kumpuris alluded to Humphrey's temper and judgment as well as the Police Department's flagging recruiting numbers. Flagging public support for a new school might spell the end of the project.

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Find another word for flagged. The meaning of FLAGGED is: Banned. Find more definitions for FLAGGED on! Flag definition is - any of various monocotyledonous plants with long ensiform leaves: such as. How to use flag in a sentence. adjective.