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Študoval Friedrich Dürrenmatt, švicarski pisatelj in dramatik, * 5. januar 1921, Konolfingen, Švica, † 14. december 1990, Neuenburg, Švica.. Dürrenmatt, ki je poleg deset let starejšega Maxa Frischa eden najpomembnejši švicarski dramatikov po 2. svetovni vojni je napisal več svetovno znanih uspešnic. Leta 1952 je s komedijo Zakon gospoda Mississipija doživel prvi veliki uspeh v Nemčiji Friedrich Dürrenmatt 2/20 - YouTube.
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2 likes. Book. This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic. Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Élete: Született: 1921. január 5.
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Profile: Swiss author and dramatist, born 5 January 1921 in Konolfingen, Switzerland, died 14 December 1990 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Variations: Viewing All | Friedrich Dürrenmatt.
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E’ stato esponente del teatro epico le cui opere riflettevano le recenti esperienze della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Friedrich Dürrenmatt Playwright, story-teller, essayist and artist: Friedrich Dürren-matt was born on 5 January 1921 in Konolfingen near Bern, the son of a protestant minister. In 1935, the family moved to Bern, where in 1941 Dürrenmatt began his studies in litera-ture, philosophy and natural science. It …
Search for "Friedrich Dürrenmatt im Gespräch mit Friedrich Luft" on
Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990) Swiss playwright and essayist whose controversial plays are linked to the theatre of the absurd. Dürrenmatt achieved prominence after World War II in Switzerland and German. He saw that pure tragic is impossible in this grotesque time, but "we can achieve the tragic out of comedy." "The universal for me is chaos. Friedrich Dürrenmatt mit seinem Kakadu Lulu, 1979, Foto: Peterhofen/Stern
The book discussion is part of our 100 years anniversary celebration of Friedrich Dürrenmatt.
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Friedrich Dürrenmatt is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author. Includes. Friedrich Dürrenmatt is composed of 10 names. You can examine and separate out names.
Claire has bought her own form of justice, someone with credibility on her
Set in a small town in Switzerland, The Pledge centers around the murder of a young girl and the detective who promises the victim's mother he will find the
Writers: Friedrich Dürrenmatt (novel), Hans W. Geissendörfer. Stars: Maximilian Schell Parents Guide: Add content advisory for parents ».
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Enjoy the best Friedrich Durrenmatt Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Friedrich Durrenmatt, Swiss Author, Born January 5, 1921. Share with your friends. Friedrich Dürrenmatt home page sponsored by the University of Chicago Press. Includes a 1969 interview with Dürrenmatt, his story "Smithy" and essay "Automobile and Railroad Nations," and essays on Dürrenmatt. Radio drama by Friedrich Dürrenmatt Brigitte Marschall (2005).