Anders's publications


Nonlinear response in engineered optical materials - KTH

Velocity Dispersion as a Function of Radius Figure 1 shows the single Gaussian, narrow, and broad components’ velocity dispersions as a function of radius, normalized by the optical radius,r 25, and the radial scale length, r D. In most cases, the velocity dispersions decrease exponen-tially with radius. The single Gaussian velocity dispersion The radial velocity dispersion shows an almost constant value of 120 km s-1out to 30 kpc and then continuously declines down to 50 km s-1at about 120 kpc. This fall-off puts important constraints on the density profile and total mass of the dark matter halo of the Milky Way. The one-dimensional velocity dispersion of this sample is 6.3 (+1.1, -1.3) km/s, a value which, when combined with a new estimate of the core radius of the galaxy and the observed central surface brightness, yields a visual mass-to-light ratio of 6.0 in solar units. The radial velocity dispersion profile of the Galactic halo: Constraining the density profile of the dark halo of the Milky Way Giuseppina Battaglia1⋆, Amina Helmi1, Heather Morrison2, Paul Harding2, Edward W. Olszewski3, Mario Mateo4, Kenneth C. Freeman5, John Norris5, and Stephen A. Shectman6 The stellar velocity dispersion in nearby spirals: radial profiles and correlations Keoikantse Moses Mogotsi1,2‹ and Alessandro B. Romeo3 1South African Astronomical Observatory, P.O. Box 9, Observatory, 7935, Cape Town, South Africa 2Southern African Large Telescope Foundation, P.O. Box 9, Observatory, 7935, Cape Town, South Africa calculate the radial velocity dispersion make some assumptions about the motions of galaxies in the cluster measure the apparent angular size of the cluster use the distance to turn the apparent size into the true linear size We derived the radial velocity dispersions from the observed FWHM presented in Table 2. The observed velocity dispersions in km s were corrected by the instrumental (), and thermal broadening (), assuming a Maxwellian velocity distribution of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms, Spectroscopic radial velocity.

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The observed velocity dispersions in km s were corrected by the instrumental (), and thermal broadening (), assuming a Maxwellian velocity distribution of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms, Spectroscopic radial velocity. Light from an object with a substantial relative radial velocity at emission will be subject to the Doppler effect, so the frequency of the light decreases for objects that were receding and increases for objects that were approaching (). 2021-02-21 · monoage-velocity-dispersion This repo contains the code required to measure the radial and vertical velocity dispersion of stars in the Milky Way disc as a function of age, using APOGEE-Gaia and the APOKASC catalogue. 1987-01-01 · Some measurements of radial dispersion have been interpreted by means of the velocity profiles of Schwartz and Smith (Fahien and Smith, 1955).

Radial Velocities Without Spectroscopy -Astrometric

Extraction of radial velocities from the echelle spectra followed the method described  11/12/01 alas, the dark matter structures were not that trivial, the phase-space density is only dependent on the radial component of the velocity dispersion),  on the predicted velocity profiles, solid distribution and dispersion coefficients, the fitting of the solid mean axial velocity and solid distribution radial profiles,  av G STRÖMQVIST · 2012 · Citerat av 1 — group-velocity dispersion. Λ spatial period where ρ is a transverse radial coordinate, Ar,0 is the on-axis peak amplitude and w0 is the beam  the determination of the line-of-sight wind velocity (radial wind velocity). air pollution dispersion monitoring; — industrial risk management (direct data  Radial velocity is the motion of a star along the line of sight and as such is The velocity difference is larger than the velocity dispersions for  Many translated example sentences containing "angular dispersion" – Swedish-English Spindelns "axialkast" och "radialkast" är mindre (bättre) än 0,0004 mm (TIR), och b) Slidens vinkelfel (gir, lutning, Velocity resolution better than 3 m/s. However, like most of the radial velocity ones, these generally focus on single stars, hence binaries and higher-order multiples have not been studied to the  Den rör sig närmare solen med en heliocentrisk radialhastighet på ca -13 km/s.

Radial velocity dispersion

Publikationer & forskningsrapporter

The influence of dispersion in the absolute magnitudes on the determination of An attempt to deter-mine objective prism radial velocities (ibid, s 545-560,1  velocities are, however, very seldom.

Radial velocity dispersion

σr2 = σθ,φ 2 ) the hydrostatic Jeans equation becomes d dΦ (ρ(r)σr2 ) = −ρ(r) .
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Radial velocity dispersion

(February 2005), "High-Dispersion Spectra Collection of Nearby F--K Stars at "Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities - Paper 220: 60  "Low dispersion spectrophotometry of bright early-type stars".

To introduce radial anisotropy we consider shear‐wave speeds when calculating dispersion curves for Rayleigh and Love waves.
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Confirmation of solar-like oscillations in eta Bootis

We use these data, together with CCD photometry of the cluster, to derive a mass to Doppler shifts correspond to radial velocities. Calculate the mean radial velocity, and e.g. the standard deviation of the radial velocities, as velocity dispersion. The velocity dispersion of galaxies leads to a widening of spectral lines in comparison to a reference star. 4 Radial velocity dispersion Assuming an spherically isotropic dynamic cloud of gases and stars, where the radial velocity dispersion is equal to the θ or φ dispersion (i.e. σr2 = σθ,φ 2 ) the hydrostatic Jeans equation becomes d dΦ (ρ(r)σr2 ) = −ρ(r) . Gas velocity dispersions provide important diagnostics of the forces counteracting gravity to prevent collapse of the gas.