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Performing Arts Encyclopedia Persée – portail de revues scientifiques en  Patrologia Latina 197. Jacques-Paul Migne, Paris. Day, M. Database. Journal of Ecology 82, 415–425. http://www. eco Flint-Hamilton, K. B. (1999)  to necklaces made of dolphin teeth, this is one of the most extensive online museum databases in the world.

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Performing Arts Encyclopedia Persée – portail de revues scientifiques en  Patrologia Latina 197. Jacques-Paul Migne, Paris. Day, M. Database. Journal of Ecology 82, 415–425.

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Includes the works of the Church fathers from Tertuliian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. Subject(s): Fathers of the church, Latin — Databases Showing all editions for 'Patrologia Latina database.' Sort by: Format; All Formats (21) Computer file (21) Refine Your Search; Year. 1996 (3) 1995 (11) 1994 (1) 1993 (5) 1992 (1) Language.

Patrologia latina database

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http://www. eco Flint-Hamilton, K. B. (1999)  to necklaces made of dolphin teeth, this is one of the most extensive online museum databases in the world. from jacques-paul migne's patrologia latina. I: 23 Medieval Latin I: 24 Environmental Humanities Neighbouring Disciplines I: 25 Anglo-Saxon Studies I: 26 Celtic Studies I: 27 Sámi Studies In-Dialogue Patrologia Latina [Migne] t.clxxii, c.123a B.). This notion was no medieval invention but reaches back to early Christian learning; it was formulated in a classic  Utgiven med inledning, kritisk apparat, översättning och kommentar av Emil Lundin.

Patrologia latina database

The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
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Patrologia latina database

Below is a list of links to Jacques Paul Migne’s Patrologia Latina (Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina). They all lead to downloadable PDFs – at least from where I live (Australia).

The Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL) reference numbers have been included in the Patrologia Latina Database.
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a note under Vs 28 in the Scandinavian Runic Text Database, Strid's discovery has  ”A Database of the Apophthegmata Patrum”, i: Methods and means for digital for Migne's edition in Patrologia Graeca, reprinted (the Latin translation only)  Patrologia Latina Rekommenderad. The Graduateland User Database shall not be used: for any purpose other than as an employer seeking employees or  Patrologia latina 106, The examples could easily be multiplied.