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Fortlax has been active in the co-location segment for 15 years and has built a strong market position in Sweden based on its data centers in Piteå in northern Sweden. The merger with EcoDataCenter means continued expansion and investment in the facilities in Piteå while the capacity at EcoDataCenter’s facility in Falun will be increased. EcoDataCenter is a joint venture between local energy company Falu Energi & Vatten and data center operator EcoDC AB. The acquisition will not affect the organization of either company; Fortlax CEO Anders Berglund Hansius will continue in his role, and EcoDataCenter CEO Lars Schedin will also remain in his position. It does not involve change in Fortlax organizational structure, offices or roles.
Fortlax has been active in the co-location segment for 15 years and has built a strong market position in Sweden based on its data centers in Piteå in northern Sweden. The merger with EcoDataCenter means continued expansion and investment in the facilities in Piteå while the capacity at EcoDataCenter’s facility in Falun will be increased. EcoDataCenter is a joint venture between local energy company Falu Energi & Vatten and data center operator EcoDC AB. The acquisition will not affect the organization of either company; Fortlax CEO Anders Berglund Hansius will continue in his role, and EcoDataCenter CEO Lars Schedin will also remain in his position. It does not involve change in Fortlax organizational structure, offices or roles.
Fortlax/EcoDataCenter in Piteå - YouTube
Samtidigt lanserar bolaget en ny koncernstruktur. Rekryteringen och den nya bolagsstrukturen syftar till att underlätta en fortsatt expansion baserat på bolagets klimatanpassade datacenterkoncept.
På besök hos Fortlax i Öjebyn Piteå Näringsfastigheter
Vår unika bredd av tre olika typer av datacenter tillsammans med vår högpresterande design ger oss möjligheten att möta många olika kundbehov. EcoDataCenter tillhandahåller framtidens hållbara Colocation-lösningar redan idag. Med världens första klimatpositiva datacenter, säkerhet och prestanda i världsklass samt en mycket konkurrenskraftig Total Cost of Ownership, går vi i frontlinjen för framtidens datadrift. Falunbaserade Ecodatacenter köper sin Piteåbaserade kollega Fortlax.
The merger – which will formally take place by […]
Swedish company EcoDataCenter has reached a merger agreement with the data center company Fortlax. According to EcoDataCenter, the merger represents a clear strengthening of the position in the Nordic data center market and supports its goal to consolidate the data center industry in the Nordic region. Fortlax has been active in the co-location segment for 15 years and has built a strong market position in Sweden based on its data centres in Piteå in northern Sweden.
Acetabulumfraktur klassifikation
Samgående i lackeringsbranschen Since 2019 Fortlax Datacenter is a part of EcoDataCenter and will cease to exist as a brand on October 1st 2020. The portal services and all related cloud services are operated under the brand Cloudist Solutions, while colocation services are managed by EcoDataCenter.
Vd för Fortlax, Anders Berglund Hansius och hans fru, blev delägare. Inom kort
EcoDataCenter och Fortlax kommer gå samman och skapa en ny storspelare. – Vi har en tydlig plan, säger Lars Thunell på EcoDataCenter.
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Eco DC: EcoDatacenter och Fortlax går samman med
Nu har den nya konstellationen gjort klart för ytterligare sex år med en riktig prestigekund. Det nya sexåriga avtalet med BMW Group gäller colocationtjänster för high performance computing, HPC, som kommer att levereras från anläggningen i Falun. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN — Swedish developer of climate-positive data centers EcoDataCenter has reached a merger agreement with the owners of the data center company Fortlax. The merger represents a clear strengthening of the position in the Nordic data center market and supports the ambition to consolidate the data center industry in the Nordic region. The merger … Datacenterföretaget Fortlax i Piteå har inlett ett samgående med Ecodatacenter.