Eurasiens språkfamiljer III: En fordomlig historia


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Meet Veles, the Slavic god of magic and alchemy. Veles was the king of departed souls and as such became naturally associated with supernatural powers, magic and communion with spirits. He was the god to whom the witches and sorcerers, shamans and magicians of the old world turned to. The Slavic Gods, Rzeszów. 196 likes. Local Service Se hela listan på Se hela listan på 2021-02-20 · Radegast was a god of sacred hospitality, from a hypothetical Slavic pantheon reconstructed in the recent centuries. His name is a compound word and means “dear (welcomed) guest”.

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Perun, Thunder's God. I slavisk mytologi är Perun Russian Life , Gliński, Mikołaj. Gods of the Eastern Slavs. Förutom huvudgudarna dyrkades regionala och lokala gudar i alla slaviska områden.

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15.07.2020. Mytologi.

Slavic gods

Pathways of the Druids – E-bok – Christopher J. Pine – Storytel

A list of deities from Slavic mythology. Bannik to Zorya Many elements of the indigenous Slavic religion were officially incorporated into Slavic Christianity (which manifested itself in the architecture of the Russian Church, icon painting, etc.), and, besides this, the worship of Slavic gods has persisted in unofficial folk religion until modern times. Slavic reconstructionist paganism includes three main objects of worship: the gods (Russian: Bogi), the spirits (Russian: Dushi), and the ancestors (Russian: Predki). We believe in multiple, distinct gods who are both immanent (appearing in the world) and transcendent (not limited to the material world). Slavic religion had major gods accompanied by a number of lesser deities personified in demons, spirits, and gods. The ancient Slavic folk beliefs were based on the idea that the world was a symbiosis of oppositional and complementary dualities that were expressed by the supreme God. Kolovrot.

Slavic gods

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Slavic gods

See also.

5. Obsessed with Culture: The Cultural Impetus of Russian Neo-pagans. Victor A. Image result for perun symbols. Kamil ChodorSLavic GOds.
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Small Wooden Figurines. Hand Carved Wooden Slavic Pantheon. Zorja. One of the fascinating Slavic deities, whose cult is still full of gaps. In fact, Zorja is a double goddess, two guardians called Auroras. The legend about them is related to the constellation Ursa Minor and the Morning Star and the Evening Star. The lord of evil, Chernobog causes calamity and disaster, bringing bad luck and misfortune wherever he turns.